Cloth Diapering – 101
Getting started in cloth diapering can be extremely overwhelming. You enter an online forum thinking you will find all of your answers – and you will! But there are so many it gets confusing with all of the BG, FB, AIO, AI2, Hybrid, Chinese Prefold talk… it’s enough to make you throw in the towel before you even start!
So , I will start with the basic diaper types.
1. Prefolds- prefolds are diapers that require a diaper cover. These would be the type of diapers that you will often see people using as burp cloths. Prefolds will sometimes require pins or “snappis” to keep them on baby.
One common brand of prefold diapers is Thirsties . You will need the prefold and the diaper cover.
2. All In One Diaper (AIO) or All in 2 Diaper (AI2)
These are just how they sound – it is a diaper/cover/soaker all in one. You use it just like a disposable except it will have snaps or Velcro (already built in!) and you wash it when you are all done.
The All in 2 diapers are slightly different because the inner soaker can be removed for faster drying times/washing.
3. Pocket Diapers
Pocket Diapers are by far my favorite! Pocket Diapers are similar to an All in One – except they have a pocket (usually lined with fleece) that you stuff an insert into. If you have a heavy wetter, or it is bedtime you can stuff two liners into one pocket for extra absorbency.
The inserts come out and provide easy washing and fast drying time. The liners can be replaced without the expense of replacing an entire diaper.
Two popular brands of pocket diapers are Happy Heiny’s and Fuzzibunz.
4. Fitted Diapers – Fitted diapers will require a cover and are fastened with pins, snappis, snaps, or Velcro. These diapers will be more trim than a lot of your other diapers.
Happy Heinys makes fitted diapers, the Happy Hempy.